Increased Ligament Laxity & Metatarsus Adductus

Hi I have a 4 year old son who has increased Ligament Laxity & Metatarsus Adductus. He has seen a Physio a few times and they said he needs to be seen every week, but they are unable to as they are so under-staffed. We are not really sure about any progress he is making or what to expect, we are just not getting answers.

Is this something you could help with or do you know who could?

Thank you for your enquiry to our website. This condition is called Pes Planus (Inverted foot) or it is known as Tipo-Equnio-Valgus (Drop Tarsal Bone, especially to Talus and Navicular bone of the foot bones with weakness to the 2nd layer of foot muscles, Tibialis Anterior and lateral group of muscles known as the Peroni Group which consists of three small muscles which maintain the Talus in neutral), with involvement of one ligament known as Talo-calenio-navicular ligament (Spring Ligament).

This condition may be a birth deformity in young children or may be due to Cerebral Palsy, acquired brain injury or a genetic disorder.

In order to give a proper diagnosis we would need to do and assessment before we could give a clear picture in respect to possible treatment and rehabilitation. Early intervention will improve the condition and he may need orthotics (splints, etc) but this can be decided only after assessment.

Please make an appointment for assessment using the details on the Contact Us page on the website.


The First Step Therapy Team

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